Source code for django_celery_results.backends.database

import binascii
import json

from celery import maybe_signature
from celery.backends.base import BaseDictBackend
from celery.exceptions import ChordError
from celery.result import GroupResult, allow_join_result, result_from_tuple
from celery.utils.log import get_logger
from celery.utils.serialization import b64decode, b64encode
from django.db import connection, transaction
from django.db.utils import InterfaceError
from kombu.exceptions import DecodeError

from ..models import ChordCounter
from ..models import GroupResult as GroupResultModel
from ..models import TaskResult

EXCEPTIONS_TO_CATCH = (InterfaceError,)

    from psycopg2 import InterfaceError as Psycopg2InterfaceError
    EXCEPTIONS_TO_CATCH += (Psycopg2InterfaceError,)
except ImportError:

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class DatabaseBackend(BaseDictBackend): """The Django database backend, using models to store task state.""" TaskModel = TaskResult GroupModel = GroupResultModel subpolling_interval = 0.5
[docs] def exception_safe_to_retry(self, exc): """Check if an exception is safe to retry. Backends have to overload this method with correct predicates dealing with their exceptions. By default no exception is safe to retry, it's up to backend implementation to define which exceptions are safe. For Celery / django-celery-results, retry Django / Psycopg2 InterfaceErrors, like "Connection already closed", with new connection. Set result_backend_always_retry to True in order to enable retries. """ for exc_type in EXCEPTIONS_TO_CATCH: if isinstance(exc, exc_type): # Only called if InterfaceError occurs and always_retry is True connection.close() return True return False
def _get_extended_properties(self, request, traceback): extended_props = { 'periodic_task_name': None, 'task_args': None, 'task_kwargs': None, 'task_name': None, 'traceback': None, 'worker': None, } if request and'extended', 'result'): if getattr(request, 'argsrepr', None) is not None: # task protocol 2 task_args = request.argsrepr else: # task protocol 1 task_args = getattr(request, 'args', None) if getattr(request, 'kwargsrepr', None) is not None: # task protocol 2 task_kwargs = request.kwargsrepr else: # task protocol 1 task_kwargs = getattr(request, 'kwargs', None) # Encode input arguments if task_args is not None: _, _, task_args = self.encode_content(task_args) if task_kwargs is not None: _, _, task_kwargs = self.encode_content(task_kwargs) properties = getattr(request, 'properties', {}) or {} periodic_task_name = properties.get('periodic_task_name', None) extended_props.update({ 'periodic_task_name': periodic_task_name, 'task_args': task_args, 'task_kwargs': task_kwargs, 'task_name': getattr(request, 'task', None), 'traceback': traceback, 'worker': getattr(request, 'hostname', None), }) return extended_props def _store_result( self, task_id, result, status, traceback=None, request=None, using=None ): """Store return value and status of an executed task.""" content_type, content_encoding, result = self.encode_content(result) _, _, meta = self.encode_content( {'children': self.current_task_children(request)} ) task_props = { 'content_encoding': content_encoding, 'content_type': content_type, 'meta': meta, 'result': result, 'status': status, 'task_id': task_id, 'traceback': traceback, 'using': using, } task_props.update( self._get_extended_properties(request, traceback) ) self.TaskModel._default_manager.store_result(**task_props) return result def _get_task_meta_for(self, task_id): """Get task metadata for a task by id.""" obj = self.TaskModel._default_manager.get_task(task_id) res = obj.as_dict() meta = self.decode_content(obj, res.pop('meta', None)) or {} result = self.decode_content(obj, res.get('result')) task_args = res.get('task_args') task_kwargs = res.get('task_kwargs') try: task_args = self.decode_content(obj, task_args) task_kwargs = self.decode_content(obj, task_kwargs) except (DecodeError, binascii.Error): pass # the right names are args/kwargs, not task_args/task_kwargs, # keep both for backward compatibility res.update( meta, result=result, task_args=task_args, task_kwargs=task_kwargs, args=task_args, kwargs=task_kwargs, ) return self.meta_from_decoded(res)
[docs] def encode_content(self, data): content_type, content_encoding, content = self._encode(data) if content_encoding == 'binary': content = b64encode(content) return content_type, content_encoding, content
[docs] def decode_content(self, obj, content): if content: if obj.content_encoding == 'binary': content = b64decode(content) return self.decode(content)
def _forget(self, task_id): try: self.TaskModel._default_manager.get(task_id=task_id).delete() except self.TaskModel.DoesNotExist: pass
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Delete expired metadata.""" self.TaskModel._default_manager.delete_expired(self.expires) self.GroupModel._default_manager.delete_expired(self.expires)
def _restore_group(self, group_id): """return result value for a group by id.""" group_result = self.GroupModel._default_manager.get_group(group_id) if group_result: res = group_result.as_dict() decoded_result = self.decode_content(group_result, res["result"]) res["result"] = None if decoded_result: res["result"] = result_from_tuple(decoded_result, return res def _save_group(self, group_id, group_result): """Store return value of group""" content_type, content_encoding, result = self.encode_content( group_result.as_tuple() ) self.GroupModel._default_manager.store_group_result( content_type, content_encoding, group_id, result ) return group_result def _delete_group(self, group_id): try: self.GroupModel._default_manager.get_group(group_id).delete() except self.TaskModel.DoesNotExist: pass
[docs] def apply_chord(self, header_result_args, body, **kwargs): """Add a ChordCounter with the expected number of results""" if not isinstance(header_result_args, GroupResult): # Celery 5.1 provides the GroupResult args header_result =*header_result_args) else: # celery <5.1 will pass a GroupResult object header_result = header_result_args results = [r.as_tuple() for r in header_result] chord_size = body.get("chord_size", None) or len(results) data = json.dumps(results) ChordCounter.objects.create(, sub_tasks=data, count=chord_size )
[docs] def on_chord_part_return(self, request, state, result, **kwargs): """Called on finishing each part of a Chord header""" tid, gid =, if not gid or not tid: return call_callback = False with transaction.atomic(): # We need to know if `count` hits 0. # wrap the update in a transaction # with a `select_for_update` lock to prevent race conditions. # SELECT FOR UPDATE is not supported on all databases try: chord_counter = ( ChordCounter.objects.select_for_update() .get(group_id=gid) ) except ChordCounter.DoesNotExist: logger.warning("Can't find ChordCounter for Group %s", gid) return chord_counter.count -= 1 if chord_counter.count != 0:["count"]) else: # Last task in the chord header has finished call_callback = True chord_counter.delete() if call_callback: deps = chord_counter.group_result( if deps.ready(): callback = maybe_signature(request.chord, trigger_callback(, callback=callback, group_result=deps )
[docs]def trigger_callback(app, callback, group_result): """Add the callback to the queue or mark the callback as failed Implementation borrowed from `` """ if group_result.supports_native_join: j = group_result.join_native else: j = group_result.join try: with allow_join_result(): ret = j(timeout=app.conf.result_chord_join_timeout, propagate=True) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except try: culprit = next(group_result._failed_join_report()) reason = f"Dependency {} raised {exc!r}" except StopIteration: reason = repr(exc) logger.exception("Chord %r raised: %r",, exc) app.backend.chord_error_from_stack(callback, ChordError(reason)) else: try: callback.delay(ret) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception("Chord %r raised: %r",, exc) app.backend.chord_error_from_stack( callback, exc=ChordError(f"Callback error: {exc!r}") )