
Model managers.

class django_celery_results.managers.TaskResultManager[source]

Manager for celery.models.TaskResult models.


Delete all expired results.


Get all expired task results.


Get result for task by task_id.

Keyword Arguments:
 exception_retry_count (int) – How many times to retry by transaction rollback on exception. This could happen in a race condition if another worker is trying to create the same task. The default is to retry once.

Store the result and status of a task.

  • content_type (str) – Mime-type of result and meta content.
  • content_encoding (str) – Type of encoding (e.g. binary/utf-8).
  • task_id (str) – Id of task.
  • task_name (str) – Celery task name.
  • task_args (str) – Task arguments.
  • task_kwargs (str) – Task kwargs.
  • result (str) – The serialized return value of the task, or an exception instance raised by the task.
  • status (str) – Task status. See celery.states for a list of possible status values.
Keyword Arguments:
  • traceback (str) – The traceback string taken at the point of exception (only passed if the task failed).
  • meta (str) – Serialized result meta data (this contains e.g. children).
  • exception_retry_count (int) – How many times to retry by transaction rollback on exception. This could happen in a race condition if another worker is trying to create the same task. The default is to retry twice.
exception django_celery_results.managers.TxIsolationWarning[source]

Warning emitted if the transaction isolation level is suboptimal.


Decorate a function to retry database operations.

For functions doing database operations, adding retrying if the operation fails.

Keyword Arguments:
 max_retries (int) – Maximum number of retries. Default one retry.